School and Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics

9 - 14 September 2019, Belgrade, Serbia


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Marko Vojinovic

3-groups and higher gauge theory unification of all interactions

We will give a step-by-step overview of the gauge theory construction based on a notion of a 3-group. After we introduce 3-groups in general, we will focus on the relevant example of a 3-group which describes the Standard Model and Einstein-Cartan gravity at the classical level. The 3-group structure features a novel gauge group, intimately connected to the fermion and scalar sectors of the Standard Model. This structure could potentially provide a new insight into the matter sector of the theory, and open new avenues for research on unification of all interactions and matter. Based on arXiv:1904.07566.


Institute of Physics Belgrade (University of Belgrade)
Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Mathematics (University of Belgrade)
Belgrade, Serbia
Mathematical Institute (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Science (University of Kragujevac)
Kragujevac, Serbia
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA)
Belgrade, Serbia


Institute of Nuclear Sciences "VinĨa" (University of Belgrade)
Belgrade, Serbia
Institute of Physics (University of Kragujevac)
Kragujevac, Serbia
Faculty of Physics (University of Belgrade)
Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Sciences (University of Novi Sad)
Novi Sad, Serbia
School of Electrical Engineering (University of Belgrade)
Belgrade, Serbia
SEENET-MTP (Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics)
Nis, Serbia