School and Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics

9 - 14 September 2019, Belgrade, Serbia


    Main page

    General information 


    Conference venue





    Payment instructions

    Travel and visas


    Practical information


    Previous meetings 




    E-mail: mphys10@ipb.ac.rs

Instructions for payment of the conference fee

For regular participants, the conference fee is 200 EUR, while for the PhD students and accompanying persons it is 100 EUR.

International participants

Participants from abroad can pay the fee via a bank money transfer (SWIFT) in EUR. To order the transfer, please use the following data:

  Beneficiary data  

  Beneficiary name: INSTITUT ZA FIZIKU
  Beneficiary country: Serbia
  Beneficiary address: Pregrevica 118, 11080 Beograd
  Beneficiary account number (IBAN): RS 3516 0005 0800 0153 8048
  Transfer description: Payment of the fee for the MPHYS10 conference - "Name and surname of the participant"  

  Bank data  

  Bank name: Banca Intesa AD, Beograd
  Bank address: Milentija Popovica 7B, 11000 Beograd
  Bank country: Serbia

  Intermediary data  

  Intermediary BIC code: BCITITMM
  Intermediary name: Intesa Sanpaolo Spa
  Intermediary address: Milano
  Intermediary country: Italy

Please be sure to write the transfer description as mentioned above. All bank transfer fees must be covered by the participant and cannot be deducted from the conference fee amount.

Domestic participants

Participants from Serbia can pay the fee via the money order (nalog za uplatu). The RSD equivalent amount for the fee is 24 000.00 RSD, or 12 000.00 RSD for PhD students and accompanying persons.

For the payment via the money order, please use the following data:


  Institut za fiziku
  Pregrevica 118, 11080 Beograd
  PIB: 100 105 980
  Maticni broj: 0701 8029

  Tekuci racun:  


  Svrha uplate:  

  Kotizacija za MPHYS10 konferenciju  

For any further assistance, please contact the organizers: mphys10@ipb.ac.rs.


Institute of Physics Belgrade (University of Belgrade)
Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Mathematics (University of Belgrade)
Belgrade, Serbia
Mathematical Institute (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Science (University of Kragujevac)
Kragujevac, Serbia
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA)
Belgrade, Serbia


Institute of Nuclear Sciences "VinĨa" (University of Belgrade)
Belgrade, Serbia
Institute of Physics (University of Kragujevac)
Kragujevac, Serbia
Faculty of Physics (University of Belgrade)
Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Sciences (University of Novi Sad)
Novi Sad, Serbia
School of Electrical Engineering (University of Belgrade)
Belgrade, Serbia
SEENET-MTP (Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics)
Nis, Serbia